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Interest Free * Available through Skye MasterCard

No Deposit

Ease your cash flow to get what you really want.

Repay extra any time, with no early payout fees

1. Apply
Apply online in minutes (you’ll need to be over 18, a permanent Australian resident and earning over $25,000 full time)

Upon Approval you’ll receive an SMS with important information about Skye account and 4 digit code to accept


4. ENJOy
Visit our store and select what option suits you. To authorise the purchase, you’ll need to enter the second 4 digit code SMSend to you
Enjoy your purchase! You’ll receive a welcome pack with your card within 10 days and monthly statements showing the minimum payment and due date
Once approved for Interest Free*, you’ll receive a Skye Mastercard which allows you to access a range of other great long term Interest Free* offers across the Skye Retail Network.
Plus it can be used as a regular credit card for every day purchases:

breathing space
90 days Interest Free and no
repayments on every card

Take control with
more choice
Ability to convert card
transactions of $250 or more
to a 9, 12, or 15 month
Interest Free Instalment Plan
for a small establishment fee#

Apply online in minutes (you’ll need to be over 18, a permanent Australian resident and earning over $25,000 full time)
Learn more about Skye
*Approved applicants only. Fees, terms, conditions & minimum finance amount apply, incl. $99 Annual Fee charged on the account open date and annually on the anniversary of that date. Annual Fee must be paid in full within 90 days or it will attract interest. ^90 days Interest Free and no repayments available on all Skye Mastercard purchases (excluding cash withdrawals). Any outstanding balance after the 90 day Interest Free and no repayment period reverts to the standard Card Purchase Rate. #Total amount payable by 9, 12 or 15 equal monthly instalments, in addition to the minimum monthly repayment. If you fail to pay a fixed monthly repayment, interest (calculated at the standard Card Purchase Rate) payable on that amount. Minimum monthly repayment may be required. Interest (charged at standard Expired Promotional Rate) is payable on the balance outstanding after any Interest Free term. See for current interest rates. Credit provided by FlexiCards Australia Pty Ltd ABN 31 099 651 877 Australian Credit Licence number 247415. Skye is a trademark of FlexiCards Australia Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of FlexiGroup Limited. Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.